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Weird problem with view page

Hi all!

I have a folder admin inside views, and a page called "show_table_view.php".

I have a controller called "show_table_info.php" and a function "show_tables($area)", where area is the table I want to edit.

This class and yhis function are being called right, but it cant show the view page. Isn't weird? It returns me 404 error...

My switch statement:
case 'banner_flash':
            $data = array(
                    'id_principal' => $banner_flash->id_principal,
                    'img' => $banner_flash->img,
                    'frase' => $banner_flash->frase,
                    'link_' => $banner_flash->link_
            $this->load->view('admin/show_table_view', $data);

Any idea?

Oh my God, sorry, it actually would be very weird if it works, cause I forgot about class name in url call...

ui ui ui!!!
Sorry Smile

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