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cannot load image inside CSS folder

Please Help me
i have a problem

i cannot load image inside the css folder
the path is
on codeigniter folder contain, application, system, index.php, .htaccess , etc

i cannot load image file on img folder

are the img require permission to access ??? how to add it ???
or another problem
please help me to load image on that folder
Thanks Big Grin

It would help if you show the code were you are trying to load the image.

my code

on view.php

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" href="<?php echo base_url()?>/css/jsDatePick_ltr.min.css" />

CSS was loaded but it can't load image

CSS file is placed on css/img

when i run it without server it works, image can be loaded
but when i placed it on the server the image can't be loaded

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" href="<?php echo base_url('css/jsDatePick_ltr.min.css'); ?>" />


it still cannot load the image on img folder

Then whatever you're using for your image src is probably wrong, or the images are not in a publicly accessible directory.

What does the raw HTML for the IMG tag look like after the page is rendered (view source)? You haven't showed how you are doing that. Is the image a raw IMG or is it a background image within your css?

You need to post more code showing exactly what you are doing. People can't really help by keep guessing.

ok, i'm sorry

the image is loaded by CSS

for the hierarchy folder you may see te image in link below

on CSS folder include img folder
here is part of code where image called by css "jsDatePick_ltr.min.css"


on my case,
CSS was loaded but the image can't be loaded

[eluser]TWP Marketing[/eluser]
Does the image have "read" privileges set?
Have you tried another image in the same directory?
Check your apache error.log file.

Try not using a relative path for your image in the css.

If you can view that image by going to www.yoursite.com/img/closeButton_down.gif, then your url in the css (and anywhere else) should be "/img/closeButton_down.gif" starting with a slash so it's not relative to the current url, but relative to site root.

Image URLs in the CSS file are relative to the CSS file only. Has nothing to do with the current URL.

Your CSS and directory structure looks fine. Things to check:

1) The image actually exists.
2) The img folder has read access.
3) Clear your cache and check again.
4) The background isn't hidden through background-position, an element on top of it, etc.

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