Ok, I´m sorry if I don´t explain me of the better way.
Here I put a single example, The mine is a bit most hard.
If I need to make a page with Header, Body and Footer; And the controller will look like this:
function header()
$data['header'] = "Here goes the Header content";
$this->load->view('page', $data);
function body()
$data1['body'] = "Here goes the body content";
$this->load->view('page', $data1);
function footer()
$data2['footer'] = "Here goes the footer content";
$this->load->view('page', $data2);
So In the page file in the VIEWS I call that variables simply adding a php script with "echo $footer", "echo $header" and "echo $body".
My problem start when I try of add the three variables same time, I need use them in the same page.
I thought that were problem of Index.php and I´ve been trying of remove it but I don´t get it..
Many thanks to the people that interest in this post..