I've tried to simplify the problem down as far as possible.
I have a simple controller with two methods. One displays a form with a single input (text) field and a submit button. The other does print_r($GLOBALS).
I have placed this controller in two different sites running in virtual hosts on the same server.
Neither site has apostrophes escaped in HTTP_POST_VARS.
Site1 has apostrophes escaped in _POST, but Site2 does not.
If I drop the whole thing out of CodeIgniter (but still inside the virtual hosts) and just make a simple 2-page form/submit application, neither HTTP_POST_VARS nor _POST is escaped with either site.
What's going on?
On a completely unrelated note, I find it quite humorous that the spell-check library doesn't have CodeIgniter.
*** EDITED ***
I've put the following at the top of the CI_Config() function in the CI_Config class ...
if($_POST) {
print_r($_POST); die();
and it is already escaped there.