Hi xwero.
Nop, an example search form:
$search = $_POST['search'];
// ... all search stuff ...
<form action="search" methond="post">
ID: <input type="text" name="search[id_user]" value="<?=$search['id_user'];?>" />
Name: <input type="text" name="search[name_user]" value="<?=$search['name_user'];?>" />
Mail: <input type="text" name="search[mail_user]" value="<?=$search['mail_user'];?>" />
<input type="submit" value="Search!" />
So you can search for any users in any way, this easy. If you want a user called Jimmy from a domain like @foo.com, you can submit a search like "Jimmy" and "@foo.com" in their respective fields.
BUT I need to use the search engine in order to show some users. For example, in a statics page I may show "There's 9 users from @foo.com" and I should be able to click and see all that 9 users.
Before starting with CI, I used to made a link to "users.php?search[mail_user]=foo.com" and it generated the search, showing the 9 users.
This example only uses one field, but I could be up to 15 fields.
Sorry for the long text!