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Share in the same ftp codeigniter with wordpress and phpbb

What I do is on codeigniter installation able to run a blog with wordpress in a folder /blog and forum phpbb in a folder /forum without having to integrate (Must run as independent web, blog and forum) simply to put off the aplication folder in the root folder and blog and forum which could be accessed without passing through the CI.

Let's see if someone can help me.

[eluser]Rowan Wilson[/eluser]
Have you tried simply extracting CI into a folder of it's own? /web for example.

Yes, and it does not work.

[eluser]Rowan Wilson[/eluser]
We're going to need a little more information than that if you want us to help. What have you tried, any errors, have you configured anything, is it a public web server, if so, can we have the URL to have a look, does your Wordpress and phpbb installations work, etc etc?

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