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Some concept ideas


I want to suggest a few important (missing) things.
  1. CodeIgniter Project Roadmap - Identical for all CI lovers when they can have the final 3 or future 4 version of their beloved framework.
  2. Completing the unfinished CI 3.0 - It will be good to complete the current almost ready version 3.0 so all who are using the dev to have a finished stable version.
  3. Open discussion for future CI 4.0 - I believe that its good to get all ideas in one place and it shouldn't be closed community (contributors only).

Thats all. Smile
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Messages In This Thread
Some concept ideas - by sv3tli0 - 10-30-2014, 08:56 AM
RE: Some concept ideas - by Rufnex - 10-30-2014, 02:06 PM

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