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Form validation not running callback function


Before I state my problem, I would like to say that I started learning CodeIgniter yesterday so apologies in advance if I make myself look stupid

I have a model that I am using to check inputted information when a user signs up and I would like a callback function that checks if the username contains symbols but for some odd reason, I can't seem to get the callback function to work. I can't get it to be called
Here's my code:

public function create() {
   $this->form_validation->set_rules('passconf','Password confirmation', 'required|min_length[6]');
   return $this->form_validation->run();
  public function validate_username($username) {
   die("DEBUG"); //so I can see if it has been called
   if(!preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$/", $username)) {
    $this->form_validation->set_message('validate_username', 'Username must not contain symbols');
    return false;
   return true;

each rule for the username field will run in sequence. Can you confirm that all previous rules are running? (required, min_length, max_length etc.)

The other rules still run, just not the callback.

Oh.... is all this code inside the model?
If so when you call for a call back I think CI expects the callback function is in the controller so try this instead:


Not sure if that's the solution as my callbacks are always in my controllers. Let me know if this helps


If I had a function in my controller called username_check for example, wouldn't that run if someone went to /controller/username_check?

Is there a better way to do this?

not if it were a private function.

prefix it with "_" and it can't be called. eg.
private function _validate_username($username)

then call it like so (note the double underscore):



That works, thanks for the help.

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