Ajax star rating bar |
Thanks. I had to make a change to my initial view page since your regex match is looking for digits only but that was it. Works perfect.
[eluser]saidai jagan[/eluser]
in the view page the star images are not displaying only the * Currently 0/10 * 1 * 2 * 3 * 4 * 5 * 6 * 7 * 8 * 9 * 10 this is only displaying pls help
[eluser]saidai jagan[/eluser]
thanks now the images are working now if i click the images in the address bar it shows http://localhost/jagan/rating/rpc.php?j=...1&c=10&r=1 and the page does not displaying the images , and the values does not inserted into the data base . i put all the class file in controller, model file in model and view file in views but the rpc.php file not in any folder simply put in the view page pls explain briefly to fix the problem
[eluser]Isern Palaus[/eluser]
[quote author="saidai jagan" date="1213728173"]in the view page the star images are not displaying only the * Currently 0/10 * 1 * 2 * 3 * 4 * 5 * 6 * 7 * 8 * 9 * 10 this is only displaying pls help[/quote] Same problem and I don't find how to fix. By the way I'm trying a bar($id,5); and I am not getting a 5 stars bar. Thank you, -- Isern Palaus
Anyone notice that setting $config['enable_query_strings'] = TRUE breaks the pagination class?! Quick fix here: http://codeigniter.com/bug_tracker/bug/4940/
I get a blank page when I try to use this (the one posted without query strings) here's the source code of what is loaded when I call the welcome controller: Code: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" Nothing else shows up, anyone know what the problem could be? Error reporting doesn't work for some reason.
Hi! guys,i'm developing a star rating system and i was following this post... I looked through many star rating solutions and i found that(tell me if i'm wrong) the GDstarrating @http://www.gdstarrating.com/ is the most complete one. Why i'm telling this?yesterday i took a look at the surce code and this is the stuff i discovered: The system is based on cookies first of all..but not only,to se if a user has previously rated,or to avoid bots it checks(in order): 1- is a bot? 2-has a cookie with the ID of the article? 3-then it goes to the database and check: 3.1 - if the user is not legged it checks if someone else has voted for that ID from the same ID 3.2 - if the user is logged is checks if that user_id has voted for that ID,not checking the IP. I have seen also that this syem is very appreciated all over the web! From the othe side,i was thinking that this is not so god at first sight,why? All right: The system is good till the point 2,but we should mod the third one because: 1- as you told guys if i'm in an office many people have the same IP...and if one is going to rate,another one can't 2- what if i rate when i'm not logged and then i log....i can rate two times..so bad! This is my solution: 1- you first extablish a number of days/hours within a user from the same IP cannot vote if he deleted the cookie,doing this you would not avoid people getteing that ip to rate in the next future, 2- the you should also check that if the user is logged if he has rated... So the ip check and the user check should be done togeter,like this: function check_vote($id,$ip,$user_id,$maxtime) { $this->db->select('*'); $this->db->from('ratings'); $where = array('id' => $id); $this->db->where($where); //ip check inside a date range $valid_interval = time() - strtotime($maxtime); $this->db->where("ip = '$ip' AND date_rate >= $valid_interval",NULL,FALSE); //if logged user_id > 0 if($user_id > 0) { $where['user_id'] = $user_id; $this->db->or_where($where); } return $query = $this->db->get(); } What do you think about???
I have used the code as suggested in http://ellislab.com/forums/viewthread/71620/ for using Ajax Star Rating. It’s nice and get worked on my localhost but when I run it on live server then it can’t work and working.gif image revolves continuously till I refresh the page again.I have tried the bug fix code also but it also don’t work. Please suggest some solution for that. i use Code: $config['uri_protocol'] ="PATH_INFO"; Code: $config['uri_protocol'] ="REQUEST_URI"; works on live. Can anybody suggest me , what’s the problem??
htaccess for PHP-CGI hosting (and use segments with query strings) |
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