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HELP:redirect function works on localhost, but not on live server

Hmmm, well, let's see... you say you get a blank page when you try to redirect. But does the URL in the browser change to the URL you're trying to go to? If yes, that sounds like there's on error on the page you're trying to go to. Does that page work ok if you access it directly?

A blank page usually means there's an error on the page and that the error display setting is set low enough not to report it. But your server should have a PHP error log where you can see what error was generated.

Can you control the error reporting? Is this a server on shared hosting (cheap monthly charge) or is it a private server in a company?

Messages In This Thread
HELP:redirect function works on localhost, but not on live server - by El Forum - 10-28-2014, 08:20 PM

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