I completly agree with keep codeigniter simple, but i think some things that codeigniter do can be changed for more standard style.
For example use namespaces instead loader class or core clases overwritting with its prefix defined on the configuration, or codeigniter prefixes (CI_) for not repeat class names.
For create a master controller for my app make something like:
PHP Code:
namespace MyApp\Controllers;
class MasterController extends CI\Controller
And then in the final controller:
PHP Code:
use MyApp\Controllers;
class ClientController extends MasterController
And apply this logic to declare and use models instead use a CI_Loader:
PHP Code:
namespace MyApp\Models;
use CI\Libraries\DB as DB
class ClientModel extends CI\Model {
public function getRows()
return DB::get('clients')->result();
And then in the controller:
PHP Code:
use MyApp\Models;
$clientModel = new ClientModel();
$clients = $clientModel->getRows();
And apply this to all codeigniter elements, DB, views...
I think this don't add complexity, don't add orm, template engine, etc... Simply replace codeigniter thought the way to do certain things for php standard way