(04-13-2015, 10:26 AM)mwhitney Wrote: While I think CI should be namespaced and should recognize application classes which use namespaces, I don't think it should require everyone to completely rewrite their applications to upgrade from CI3 to CI4. There is still room for backwards compatibility while updating the core classes to use and support namespaces.
It could be as simple as use of the loader and/or get_instance() to indicate that CI classes should be available via $this-> for legacy support.
I think is not necessary maintain the backward compatibility. Codeigniter has some solutions for deficiencies that php had in the past but not now. For example loader class, for load classes or prefixes use like CI_ to prevent to use same name classes.
This problems are now fixed natively in php, then, is not necessary to add other way to make some things.
In addition to this, ci will be easier to new users that knows only php, because if somebody know php then can understand code like $object = new CI\Models\Client(); but don't understand ci style code like $this->load->('client_model') and he should to learn it.
I think is enough maintain ci3 fixing bugs and possible exploits and make a new version with the same codeigniter simplicity but using native php.
In fact I think modern PHP codeigniter can be easier and simple because all code unnecessary can be deleted making it easier to learn and easier to maintain.