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Passing variables to all views.


I'm new to CodeIgniter and PHP in general, but everyone starts somewhere. I am coding a login/register billing software and wanted to know how to pass variables to all views in the application. I have "configuration" variables where it gets the values from the database like company name, logo location, etc.


you should put those in config file, then you can access these using config_item() in your views

(This post was last modified: 04-10-2015, 08:04 AM by CroNiX.)

He said they come from the database. Not all settings belong in a config file. Most clients don't have the ability to go editing php files.

I do something like that with application specific config settings. I just create a library that triggers a method in __construct() that gets the data from the db and creates variables from them. That library gets autoloaded so the variables are available globally.

It's fairly basic...something like:

PHP Code:
class Site_settings {

//holds the CI instance
protected $CI;

//the array the settings will be stored as
public $site_config = array();

public function __construct()
//load CI instance
$this->CI =& get_instance();

//fire the method loading the data

  public function 
//load the model that gets the data

//retrieve/set the data
$this->site_config $this->CI->site_config_model->get_settings(); //returns an associative array of config settings

Now if you autoload the site_settings library, $this->site_config is the array that's available to all other controllers/models/views/etc.

PHP Code:
echo $this->site_settings['company_slogan']; 

Thanks for the solution.

I researched about it, and I saw that something like this is possible:
class MY_Controller extends CI_Controller {
    public function __construct() {

        $globalConfig = array();


And then extending MY_Controller with all my controllers. Will this work?

(This post was last modified: 04-11-2015, 05:05 AM by casa.)

if you want to pass all the time the same variables in all the views and this variables not change, you can do like you say : extend CI_Controller with your MY_Controller and after all your controllers extend MY_Controller.
Note that :
My_Controler.php will be in directory named "core" of the directorys "application". No need to put it in the directory "core" of your directory "system".
PHP Code:
defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed');

MY_Controller extends CI_Controller
$items ;
    public function 
parent::__construct() ;
$this->init() ;
$this->load->vars($this->items );
    private function 
$this->items = array('some_var' => '....',
'new_var' => '...') ;

Your other controllers in directory Controller
PHP Code:
defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed');

extends MY_Controller
$vue '.......' ;

    public function 
parent::__construct() ;
    public function 
$this->load->view($this->vue) ;

In your view
PHP Code:
$v $this->load->get_var('some_var') ; // or only call $some_var 

For variables that will not fit in a config file you can pass them global using:

PHP Code:
$data = array();

$data['variable'] = 'new variable';

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