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[Workaround found] CodeIgniter 3.0 cannot access native $_SESSION

(04-17-2015, 10:05 AM)gofrendi Wrote: I have observe the file.
It contains something like this:


How could I decode them into associative array?


In most cases, the data is just serialized, but the method used to do so depends on your server's configuration. While you could just attempt to use unserialize() to retrieve the data, it would really work better if you just used a session handler, as CI3 does, since PHP handles the serialization for you.

The KCFinder website includes some information on how to configure a session handler for it, too.

Messages In This Thread
RE: [Workaround found] CodeIgniter 3.0 cannot access native $_SESSION - by mwhitney - 07-02-2015, 12:32 PM

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