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[Workaround found] CodeIgniter 3.0 cannot access native $_SESSION


Here is my ugly-but-work workaround:
CodeIgniter can't access native session, but external PHP can access CodeIgniter's session like this:
PHP Code:
$CI =& get_instance();

This works, but it is actually awkward. When you include "index.php", it will also do all the process in your default controller's. However this is the easiest and best way I can find. Other solution (including decode the cookie) will be very hard.

I encountered a similar problem as you . But when applying this treatment , I get errors .

"Your system folder path does not appear to be set correctly. Please open the following file and correct this: index.php"

Messages In This Thread
RE: [Workaround found] CodeIgniter 3.0 cannot access native $_SESSION - by B_DEV - 06-07-2016, 01:55 AM

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