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CodeIgniter project localhost to live server transfer

(This post was last modified: 04-29-2015, 07:46 PM by John_Betong. Edit Reason: spelling: not my fortay )

As far as your online version not working try the following:

1. if you use a database, make sure your connection is OK.
2. temporarily remove/rename .htaccess file. (index.php should work)
3. check your error logs
4. check the php_errors file.
5. temporarily change your index.php ENVIRONMENT constant to 'development'.

I prefer having all my files in a single "version-001" directory. It does mean changing the following 

$application_path = "version-001"; // default = 'application';

The main advantage is you can work on your next "version-002", upload and if there are any problems change back to your original version.

Messages In This Thread
RE: CodeIgniter project localhost to live server transfer - by John_Betong - 04-29-2015, 01:35 AM

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