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[NEED URGENT HELP] All controllers showing 404 except default controller

From your initial statement : You have stated that the application works perfectly in your developer machine (might be Windows) and not working on live server (might be Linux).

I guess there should be a server side configuration issue.
1. If you are using Windows machine for development, case sensitivity issue may come for File names, class names for the same code in Unix/Linux server.
2. If you can access the methods directly by including 'index.php', there may be an issue with Apache configuration - Directive 'Allow Override All' may be missing in apache conf file.

Other troubleshooting tips:
1. Remove .htaccess and try to access the controllers and methods directly without the help of mod_rewrite.
2. Remove & Add the rules one by one in routes, it may help you to detect the controller or rule which causes the issue.

Messages In This Thread
RE: [NEED URGENT HELP] All controllers showing 404 except default controller - by karthik_code - 05-16-2015, 06:49 AM

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