Hi guys! I am new in CodeIgniter and I have one probably simple question. I tried google it but I couldn't found right answer or I just didn't new how to usi it in my code.
So, what I want is that from prisijungus.php (this is from my native language) form_input set variable that I could use in other view file.
This is my view file
PHP Code:
echo form_open('myassets/login_validation');
echo validation_errors();
echo "<p>El. paštas: ";
echo "<br>";
echo form_input('email', $this->input->post('email'));
echo "</p>";
echo "<p>Slaptažodis: ";
echo "<br>";
echo form_password('password');
echo "</p>";
echo "<p>";
echo form_submit('login_submit', 'Prisijungti');
echo "</p>";
echo form_close();
In other view file I will just echo variable.
I hope you understand what I want, sorry for bad english and thanks for reply's!