Integrate with joomla 3 auth. system |
I asked this question in joomla forum[] , luckly is has an easy solution ( at least for some cases).
here 2 links for that, thanks for joomla/codeigniter community :
CI is nice
Now I can copy some lines of code from joomla's index.php file and pase then into codeigniter's index.php and get logined joomla user info:
CI3's index.php file : PHP Code: ... and in any index function of default welcome.php controller : PHP Code: ... i wondered how it add extra resource usage to normal ci application? i activated ci's profiler and here is some memory usage in different cases: Just unchanged CI3 welcome page : ~269,000 bytes Just copied require_once JPATH_BASE . '/includes/framework.php' line into CI's index.php file: ~330,000 bytes Copies required include file and some lines of code for retrieve user's id and groups (above second code block): ~761,000 bytes now is it good choice to use this method (checking joomla user) in every page/controller/function? (my application need to check user's access almost in every action) in real web application/or website, this solution can make issues?
CI is nice
Hi, i have a simple CI application and i want to create a simple module for joomla for injecting some parts of my CI application into that, so i have created a library in CI and some function for that, and one simple module for joomla, now i want to create an object (instance of CI's library) and print its output to user.
now problem is that : which (minimum) files (of CI) i have to include in joomla, to CI works?
CI is nice |
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