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Flexible hosting for CI
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We, elasticweb.org developed a unique system of counting the use of hardware resources for shared hosting customers. In real time we are monitoring performance load on CPU, memory, IO, disk, to give an adequate price for the hosting of your website.
We rent modern server in the largest data center in Europe OVH. A flexible system of settlements with customers, and reliable equipment allow customers to not limit resources.

We offer:
PHP 5.6.x
NGINX (configuration for popular cms and frameworks)
MySQL (MariaDB 10)
Unlimited disk
Unlimited number of domains / database
FTP / SSH access to the server

[Image: NWw52c9.png]

1. You can save on a hosting site, at a receiving excellent quality. On page http://elasticweb.org/pricing calculator available for pre-calculation of the cost of hosting.
2. Professional support, experienced php developers and administrators are always ready to answer your questions.
3. Up to 50 payment methods.

ElasticWeb created in order to make the development of a simple, flexible, and cheap hosting. Our control panel powered by CodeIgniter.

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