Suggestion : SPL Autoload config |
Actually, loading a class is only possible by "CI_Loader" class. It will be interesting to disable this feature and use "spl_autoload_register". An option $config['spl_autoload'] with a function value (class & method) that allow to autoload your own classes. Then you can decide the naming convention & folders hierarchy. Possible custom naming example : Code: class "MY_Storage_Adapter_File" store in "MY/Storage/Adapter/File.php" That's mean PSR-0 or PSR-4 autoloading ... M.
If you set $config['composer_autoload'] to a path to a file which registers your autoloader, CI3 will call the file in /system/core/CodeIgniter.php. Alternatively, if you just set the value to TRUE, it will attempt to find the file in APPPATH . 'vendor/autoload.php'. While the intent of the configuration value is to register composer as an autoloader, you could configure any autoloader the same way, you just need a simple script that registers your autoloader. As for disabling CI_Loader, that would just disable all of CI's system classes, since they don't follow the conventions required by most autoloaders.
I register my autoload function in the file "vendor/autoload.php".
(previously, I used the pre_system hook). Thanks, M. |
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