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Simple HMVC

When I started this thread I stated that it would not be possible to directly route a request to a module. But when using the _remap() method in, for example MY_Controller, you can map a request to a module.
I needed this as my CMS is fully module based and I don't want to create a “main” admin controller for every module used in my CMS.

Here is what I have done:

I created a MY_Controller file with two classes defined within this file. The classes are WEBSITE_Controller and ADMIN_Controller. The ADMIN_Controller has the following _remap() method

PHP Code:
class ADMIN_Controller extends CI_Controller {
     * Holds all the available params extraxted from the uri
     * @var array
   public $params = array();
   public $language;
   public $page_cache_title;
   public $module;
   public $controller;
   public $method;
   public $value;
   public $slug;
   public $level;
   public $segments;
   public function __construct() {
       log_message('info'"Class ADMIN_Controller initialized.");
       $this->params $this->uri->get_params();
       foreach($this->params as $key => $value) {
           $this->$key $value;
   public function _remap($method) {
       $output NULL;
       // First we check if a module has been requested
       $module $this->load->module($this->module);
       // If this is a object, a valid module has been loaded
       if(is_object($module) ) {
       /* If the method is index and the controller != module 
         * then controller is the value to be passed in
         * e.g. uri = /some-module/some-article.html
       if$this->controller !== $this->module && $this->method === 'index' ) {
           $this->value $this->controller;
           $this->controller $this->module;
         * e.g. uri = /some-module/a-method/some-article.html
       ifmethod_exists($module$this->controller) ) {
           // The value = the method
           $this->value $this->method;
           // It's a method, the method = the controller
           $this->method $this->controller;
           $this->controller $this->module;
       else // controller was not a method of module, see if it is a sub controller
           ifis_object($subcontroller $this->load->module($this->module.'/'.$this->controller)) ) {
               // Check if the set method exists in the sub controller
               if( ! method_exists($subcontroller$this->method) ) {
                   $this->value $this->method;
                   $this->method 'index';
               $module $subcontroller;
           // Check if the final set module has the requested method
           ifmethod_exists($module$this->method) ) {
               // Execute the method of the loaded module and controller
               $output $module->{$this->method}($this->value);
           } else {
               $output 'The module request could not be routed to an existing method within the module.';
       // Continue with regular _remapping
       ifmethod_exists($this$method) ) {
       } else {
           // Method is your arg value for the 

This will now try and find a matching module/controller and method/value based on the URI and execute it if found. The output is then passed to the index method of my admin controller.

The params I use are gathered in a MY_URI class. See code below:

PHP Code:
<?php  if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');

MY_Uri extends CI_URI {
     * The current language of the website
     * @var string
   protected $language 'nl';
     * The available languages for the website
     * @var array
   protected $languages = array('nl'=>'Nederlands');
     * Any param values found in the url are stored here
     * and removed from the (r)segments array
     * @var array
   protected $params = array();
     * The level the current DB page is at
     * @var integer
   protected $level 1;
     * The DB page slug
     * @var string
   protected $slug NULL;
   public function __construct() {
       log_message('debug'"Class MY_URI initialized.");
     * Method to extract and set available data from the uri
     * This method must be called from the _set_routing() method in the Router
     * class. Create a MY_Router for this
   public function _setup_page_request() {
       $this->level count($this->segments);
       // Set a hashed cache title for page caching
       if(count($this->segments) > 0) {
           $this->slug $this->segments[$this->level];
           $str str_replace('-''_'implode('_'$this->segments));
           $page_cache_title substr(md5($str), 015);
       } else {
           $page_cache_title substr(md5('homepage'), 015);
       $this->params['page_cache_title'] = $page_cache_title;
       // Used for module routing, sets module, controller, method and arg if available
       ifarray_key_exists(1$this->segments) ) {
           // We will set the module and controller to the same value
           $this->params['module'] = str_replace('-''_'$this->segments[1]);
           $this->params['controller'] = $this->params['module'];
       // Set the default method
       $this->params['method'] = 'index';
       ifarray_key_exists(2$this->segments) ) {
           $this->params['controller'] = str_replace('-''_'$this->segments[2]);
       ifarray_key_exists(3$this->segments) ) {
           $this->params['method'] = str_replace('-''_'$this->segments[3]);
       ifarray_key_exists(4$this->segments) ) {
           $this->params['value'] = str_replace('-''_'$this->segments[4]);
       // Set the slug, mainly used on frontend
       $this->params['slug'] = $this->slug;
       $this->params['level'] = $this->level;
       $this->params['segments'] = $this->segments;
     * Method to extract the language form the URI
   private function _set_language() {
       if(count($this->segments) > 0) {
           // Check if we in the CMS or on front end
           if($this->segments[1] === 'crossfire') { // Crossfire CMS language
               if(array_key_exists($this->segments[2], $this->languages)) {
                   $this->language $this->segments[2];
           } else if(array_key_exists($this->segments[1], $this->languages)) { // Front end language
               $this->language $this->segments[1];
       $this->params['language'] = $this->language;
     * Method to extract key:value params from the url
   private function _set_params() {
       if(count($this->segments) > 0) {
           foreach($this->segments as $key => $segment) {
               ifstrpos($segment':') ) {
                   list($key_name$value) = explode(':'$segment);
                   if(is_numeric($value)) {
                       $this->params[$key_name] = (int)$value;
                   } else {
                       $this->params[$key_name] = $value;
     * Method to reindex the segments array after any unset()
   private function _unset($key) {
       // Check if the key exists in the segments array
       ifarray_key_exists($key$this->segments) ) {
           // Unset the passed key
           // re-index the segments array
           $nkey 1;
           $segments $this->segments;
           $this->segments = array();
           foreach($segments as $segment) {
               $this->segments[$nkey] = $segment;
     * Return the set params
   public function get_params() {
       return $this->params;

I only use this for my CMS. My WEBSITE_Controller uses a page builder to render the content of a DB page and will execute any module that is found on the requested page. For more info on routing DB pages check out my other thread

Messages In This Thread
Simple HMVC - by Martin7483 - 09-23-2015, 03:46 AM
RE: Simple HMVC - by Martin7483 - 09-24-2015, 02:41 AM
RE: Simple HMVC - by skunkbad - 09-24-2015, 01:35 PM
RE: Simple HMVC - by Martin7483 - 09-24-2015, 11:02 PM
RE: Simple HMVC - by Martin7483 - 09-25-2015, 02:15 AM
RE: Simple HMVC - by kenjis - 09-25-2015, 05:04 AM
RE: Simple HMVC - by Martin7483 - 09-25-2015, 05:10 AM
RE: Simple HMVC - by mwhitney - 09-25-2015, 06:54 AM
RE: Simple HMVC - by Martin7483 - 09-25-2015, 06:59 AM
RE: Simple HMVC - by kilishan - 09-25-2015, 07:08 AM
RE: Simple HMVC - by Martin7483 - 09-25-2015, 07:20 AM
RE: Simple HMVC - by Martin7483 - 10-15-2015, 04:24 AM
RE: Simple HMVC - by nasser.man - 10-15-2015, 12:13 PM
RE: Simple HMVC - by Martin7483 - 10-16-2015, 01:54 AM
RE: Simple HMVC - by Sentro - 10-30-2015, 01:37 AM
RE: Simple HMVC - by Martin7483 - 10-30-2015, 01:48 AM
RE: Simple HMVC - by Sentro - 10-30-2015, 02:10 AM
RE: Simple HMVC - by Martin7483 - 10-30-2015, 02:15 AM

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