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Created a Plugin system for CI3, have at it

(10-04-2015, 05:44 AM)sampoyigi Wrote: Thanks for sharing. I'm definitely going to try it and maybe incorporate it into my project (if i may).

Absolutely. If you have anything to contribute, go ahead. And also id keep an eye on the repo, ill be doing a lot of updates.

Currently, Plugins have the ability to include a "config" page, as well as "Install" and "Uninstall" methods/resources. I got the config page idea from WordPress, where each plugin has its own configuration page.

Also, if you dont want to contribute, but have some ideas or input, let me know! Ill be using this heavily in a project im working on, so ill be making some changes.

I may end up using the core code of this for a Laravel project as well, (Unless Laravel has something for this already)

Messages In This Thread
RE: Created a Plugin system for CI3, have at it - by jLinux - 10-04-2015, 05:56 AM

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