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What DB drivers have you used?

This is in no way an official poll, but I've been wondering lately which of the 12+ database drivers people actually have used?

Unfortunately, there's too many items fro a poll, and that would only allow people to use a single one, so please list all drivers you have used in the past. Note that for many of the drivers there is now a PDO and non-PDO version so please specify.


I guess I should start it off. I've used mysql, mysqli, and sqlite in actual projects or development phases (all non-PDO). I've toyed with Postgres but haven't used it in a project yet.

The only database I have used with CodeIgntier is MYSQL, with the mysql and the mysqli drivers.
James Parry
Project Lead

mysql/mysqli, sqlite, pdo (mysql, sqlite)

mssql, mysql, mysqli, oci8, odbc, postgre

(This post was last modified: 11-23-2015, 03:49 PM by ivantcholakov. Edit Reason: an added item )

mysqli, postgre
pdo_sqlite - for demo purpose

For practice for purpose: SQLite and PostgreSQL

For actual: MySQL, MySQLi and now (MySQLi for MariaDB)

I primaraly use mysqli, some older projects are still using mysql, and a single project is using sqlite.

MySql, PostreSQL, SQLite


mssql, mysql, mysqli, oci8

mysql/mysqli - 70%
postgre - 20%
sqlite/3 - 5%
pdo - 5%

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