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Modular Extensions - (HMVC) - Version 3.1.9

This works:
function run($module, $data = '', $method ='index')
        $class =& modules::load($module);
        return (method_exists($class,$method))? $class->$method($data) : $class->index($data);
Thank you.

Would you prefer there was a default error() method in the module class which you could override in your module if the called method was missing.

Version 4.0.3 will include changes to the modules::run() method
function run($module, $data = '', $method ='index')
    $class =& modules::load($module);
    return (method_exists($class, $method))? $class->$method($data) : $class->_error($method);

Version 4.0.3 will include changes to the module class

class Module
    function Module()
        $ci =& get_instance();
        $this->load =& new Loader($this);
        $this->load->_assign_libraries($this, $ci);
        log_message('debug', ucfirst(get_class($this))." module initialised");
    function index()
        log_message('debug', ucfirst(get_class($this))." module: No index method defined");
    function _error($method) //called by modules::run() if method is missing
        log_message('error', ucfirst(get_class($this))." module: No ".$method." method defined");

Yes, that is good. Is there a way that we can have a get method for the current working module and an array of the variables within? That would be nice Smile Kinda like a mild debug dump Wink Works great with smarty as well reference below:

just kinda weird to juggle both unless theres more seperation between smarty and ci but you can combine both and it feeds the ci output to smarty. I like it. Thanks for your great work.

Yes, the modules helper actually has two debug methods you might like to look at.

modules::debug($any_object); will display the $any_object and list its loaded libraries, using $this will display the current module.

modules::debug_in($any_object) or modules::debug_in($any_array) will do a full dump on the subject.

If you debug_in() the CodeIgniter Core ($CI) you will get a page full of recursive arrays, this is not an issue because most of the recursions are just references back into $CI core objects.

Could we please continue this discussion in the Version 4 thread, saves me having to work across both. TIA Wink

[eluser]Le Bang[/eluser]
for($i=1; $i<=100000000; $i++)
echo "Good. Thask wiredesignz";

I want load language from language directory in module


how do??

Language libraries facility will be next to do in the Version 4.0.9 see the Version 4 thread

[eluser]Le Bang[/eluser]
Help me !!




==> $content = modules::run('my_module_folder/module_1');


in module_1.php


if view_1.php file exisits in application/views/ ===> load this view file => do OK.
if view_1.php file does not exisits in application/views/ but it exisitting in application/modules/my_module_folder/views/ ==> do not.

please. Help me

[eluser]Le Bang[/eluser]
my_module_folder store collection module file

firstly your module.php can be inside app/modules/module/controller/ or app/modules/module just make sure that your module is name same as the directory it's in

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