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Insert and Update database checking

CodeIgniter makes it easy to use DB transactions to make sure your inserts and updates all went well.


(12-26-2015, 04:07 PM)RobertSF Wrote:
PHP Code:
public function get_gifts_for($user_id)
   return $this->db->query(
            gifts.id AS id,
            gifts.name AS gift,
            gifts.price AS price,
            gifts.description AS description,
            gifts.url AS url,
            glists.name AS glist,
            glists.max_gifts AS glist_max_gifts,
            glists.max_price AS glist_max_price,
            u2.name AS owner
        FROM gifts
        INNER JOIN users ON gifts.for_user_id = users.id
        INNER JOIN glists ON glists.id = gifts.glist_id
        INNER JOIN users u2 ON glists.owner = u2.id
        WHERE users.id = ' 
$user_id ';')->result_array();

If you're going to use queries like this, you need to understand that you will no longer benefit from the escaping (sanitizing) that CodeIgniter provides, in this case for the variable $user_id. I also think it's important to know how to use plain MySQL, but CodeIgniter does a lot for you, and you can get into trouble if you don't know what you're doing with plain MySQL. In the case of this example query, I would have type casted $user_id as an integer.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Insert and Update database checking - by skunkbad - 12-26-2015, 04:28 PM

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