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Commands out of sync; you can't run this command now

(12-29-2015, 06:11 AM)mike7418 Wrote:
(12-27-2015, 06:11 PM)mike7418 Wrote: My problem is that I am using the DB to store session data so every time I run another query on any function that loads a page I get this error because of the session SQL write
Quote:Error Number: 2014
Commands out of sync; you can't run this command now
UPDATE `ci_sessions` SET `timestamp` = 1451263590, `data` = 'G2RpWxLrkrOG5wdf7pA8y7fCb9QIZDvqDGE9VpSw_n2zc-r28M-XZfYf7WgNWy0uDu7GHk0v-7wdUrAXseIMEVl2pP8Y8cb_JfKcpFJw1JCo66-Bo0n9M_3U8iYCdtAyFCNoMoR7F0FZD0k5dygq9oNmGkvAJhqBsbcTaWQ3oB0Vip0-VH2KydMPv8x1y3mJXBzzPUYwDv8IuBSnzAvycsTNK00FXh3WIEvErZ3rBx7-7K6JgRYgg77yeU6e5wKF' WHERE `id` = '83c9e11d794f0144fba9a728ef9ae7bf857aa60e'

So far the only fix is to add session_write_close(); to the top of the page. Problem with that is I am storing data in the sessions "Well trying to." But because I have this write_close  it destroys the session and I have nothing.

Anyone else run into this and have a fix??

Thanks in advance
 Ok, I read the session doc and see the explanation. I guess I'll have to turn into the session super guru to find my resolution...

My whole understanding of sessions is not making sense with this problem.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Commands out of sync; you can't run this command now - by mike7418 - 12-29-2015, 04:53 PM

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