Archived Forums From EllisLab |
You may notice that we have a new forum category at the bottom of the main page - "CodeIgniter Archived (from EllisLab)". Yes, I have received a database dump of the content only, from EllisLab
A few of you offered to help out with converting ... here's your wakeup call! The database dump is a custom one, and not necessarily in any of the standard forum formats. I have in mind a CI program that can present some number of the archived threads (10? 100?), and let the user choose which ones to keep (most, hopefully) and which ones should not be kept (spam). It would be a good idea for these to be presented in reverse order (oldest ones first), so that the newest ones float to the top of the forums, like on EllisLab. For the ones to keep, it will need to add the member name if not in the new forum, the thread itself, and the related posts. These should then be deleted or flagged to prevent further consideration. Those flagged for deletion should have their thread and posts removed. I am trying to avoid adding all 28,000 members, 52,000 threads and 226,000 posts, unless they are relevant. This is not a job that will happen overnight! Obviously, programming experience, especially with MyBB, would be a great asset. If you are willing and able to help tackle this, please send me an email. If you have questions about the "job", please post them in this thread, so everyoine has the same answers.
James Parry
Project Lead
Is the old forum still available somewhere online?
It's been a while since I needed to google anything from the codeIgniter forums but I've just discovered that EllisLab have taken down the old forum. Any news on the conversion process mentioned above? (02-10-2015, 04:15 PM)louisl Wrote: Is the old forum still available somewhere online? Waiting for rufnex & my schedules to coincide, and then we can port the archived posts
Ok, thanks for the info, meanwhile and clicking the triangle to view cached is working for me at the moment. If anyone needs that tip.
Hi everyone .. im working on a final import and think i will finish it very soon. Stay tuned ;o)
Started my first CI project at the end of last month and I was very sad to see the old forums come down last week. Hopefully google will catch up once the threads get ported over!
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