directory_map() not working returns bool(false) |
I have different image folders under 'Property gallery' directory e.g. 'Property gallery/pro_1'. Here I want to fetch full paths of all the images inside the specified folder. I used directory_map() but it doesn't return anything.
My code is: Code: $image_path = $row['image_path'];//stored in database as 'Property gallery/Ganesh Kripa/' var_dump($map) returns bool(false) and then error at foreach loop i.e. 'Invalid argument supplied for foreach()' occurs. I set to autoload the url, form, path and directory helpers and my base url is Code: http://localhost:8081/SVN_propertybooking/branches/dev/Admin/ And under Admin directory there is Property gallery folder . I'm new in codeigniter, any help will be appreciated. My folder structure is ->Admin -> application -> assets -> Property gallery -> Ganesh Kripa -> system
If you look at the directory_map helper its path takes a ./ in front of the directory name.
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Joined CodeIgniter Community 2009. ( Skype: insitfx )
I tried but still not working same error occurs. Please see my newly edited question, added folder structure.
$map = directory_map('./'.$image_path);
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Joined CodeIgniter Community 2009. ( Skype: insitfx )
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