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Please help in the correct PHP configuration

(This post was last modified: 02-23-2016, 02:24 PM by moshair.)


Sometimes I see this error for few minutes:

A PHP Error was encountered

Severity: Warning

Message: mysqli::real_connect(): (HY000/2002): Connection refused

Filename: mysqli/mysqli_driver.php

Line Number: 202
A Database Error Occurred

Unable to connect to your database server using the provided settings.

Filename: controllers/Log.php

Line Number: 6

There is PHP version select in the c-panel, What version should I use? and what recommended extensions to run CI 3.0.4

Please click on this image and tell me the correct values:


This is the database.php info:
$active_group = 'default';
$query_builder = TRUE;

$db['default'] = array(
'dsn' => '',
'hostname' => 'sql.byethost32.org',
'username' => '[removed]',
'password' => '[removed]',
'database' => '[removed]',
'dbdriver' => 'mysqli',
'dbprefix' => '',
'pconnect' => FALSE,
'db_debug' => (ENVIRONMENT !== 'production'),
'cache_on' => FALSE,
'cachedir' => '',
'char_set' => 'utf8',
'dbcollat' => 'utf8_general_ci',
'swap_pre' => '',
'encrypt' => FALSE,
'compress' => FALSE,
'stricton' => FALSE,
'failover' => array(),
'save_queries' => TRUE

Messages In This Thread
Please help in the correct PHP configuration - by moshair - 02-23-2016, 02:22 PM

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