Online Users library usign DB + Authme |
I created Online users library using database to store online users data. I integrated it with a developed version from CodeIgniter Authme by Gilbitron. What's new in Authme: 1. Send activation message to new members. 2. Adding captcha image to the signup page. 3. Adding Users Controller to show members list and member page. 4. Adding control panel for the member to change his info and password. 5. Compatible with CI 3.0.x 6. Compatible with PHP7x. Online users library features: 1. Using minimal database queries. It will not update user state and location on each page load. 2. You can specify time difference between your time and the server time. 3. You can specify time-out. 4. Store user-agent in the database. 5. Store if the guest is bot or not. How to install 1. Add the ci folder content to your CI directory (overwrite). 2. Give folder "captcha" 744 permission 3. Edit application/config/datebase.php and modify values. 4. Edit application/config/config.php and modify values don't forget to change the $config['encryption_key'] 5. Edit application/config/authme.php and change these values Code: $config['authme_name'] = 'YOUR_DOMAIN'; Download & Demo at: I welcome any feedback to improve the code. Regards,
I got questions asking about the SQL code for creating the tables.
The tables "online", and "users" will be created automatically when visiting your site at the first time, If every thing is okay you will see: "online" table created successfully "users" table created successfully Also you can make the tables manually, you will find the SQL code in the end of the file models/Authme_model.php |
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