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$this->session->sess_destroy(); error

(This post was last modified: 04-05-2016, 06:13 AM by josepostiga.)

(04-05-2016, 05:50 AM)Narf Wrote: What do you mean why not? You can't arbitrarily make-up a rule and then ask why it is not true.

- The documentation says it's loaded via $this->load->library() (and NOT $this->load->driver()).
- The database "library" also has drivers, and it's not loaded via $autoload['drivers'].
- The inline documentation (comments in the autoload.php file itself) above $autoload['drivers']) says "they extend the CI_Driver_Library class"; the Session library does not extend that class.

That last one has been explained in other topics around here too.

Narf, I was not making an arbitrary rule. I can't recall right now why, but I've been using it like that since version 3.0-dev...

The "why not" portion of my question must've been misinterpreted, or badly used by me on my sentence (and probably the bold part didn't helped either), but I was trying to learn about my mistake and asked simply for a better explanation other than a bold DO NOT DO THAT reply. I think that I have the right to be wrong but I appreciate that you (or anyone else) points when that happens. However if I don't ask why I'm wrong, then how am I supposed to learn from it?

Your explanation, although it answers my question, "sounds" a little too raw and a little mean (lacking a better word). Nevertheless, thank you for your response. I've updated my reply above so the user ignores it completely.
Best regards,
José Postiga
Senior Backend Developer

Messages In This Thread
RE: $this->session->sess_destroy(); error - by josepostiga - 04-05-2016, 06:11 AM

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