CodeIgniter Multi-level Cache |
Just completed this for my webiste, I upload it to Github, maybe someone else need it. If you have troble about too many files in a cache folder, here is a solution for you, it is easy and simple. It works both for HTML cache and SQL-object cache.
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My personal project is called Dictpedia is currently using Codeigniter 3, welcome.
Looks pretty nice. Thanks for sharing!
Is this working with Session database type? or do we need to set session to "files" in app/config.php
(06-03-2016, 10:11 PM)zenepay Wrote: Is this working with Session database type? or do we need to set session to "files" in app/config.phpOnly read-type (SELECT) queries can be cached, since these are the only type of queries that produce a result. Write-type (INSERT, UPDATE, etc.) queries, since they don’t generate a result, will not be cached by the system. Check out the official document here. This script only changes the cache path.
Personal blog:
My personal project is called Dictpedia is currently using Codeigniter 3, welcome.
Looks very interesting. Do you have some benchmarks results which shows how much benefit this splitting up the cache folders into multi levels give you if you have 100k cache files?
(06-03-2016, 10:36 PM)Diederik Wrote: Looks very interesting. Do you have some benchmarks results which shows how much benefit this splitting up the cache folders into multi levels give you if you have 100k cache files? I don't have any benchmarks result. It is difficult to determine because different file system (FAT, NTFS, EXT3, EXT4, etc, ..) may has different result. Maybe It will not have any performance issue.. I am not sure about it. Here is some interesting discussions NTFS performance and large volumes of files and directories How many files in a directory is too many? (Downloading data from net) I set 2 levels sub-folders to separate cache files, the total sub-folders will be 36x36 = 1,296, each folder may store 5,000 files. I made this just for avoiding some potential issues such as physical limit (for example: FAT has the limit 512 files in a folder), performance think.. Actually It is not necessary for small website, just share with Codeigniter friends because I like Codeigniter and use it to build my website, the community solves many my problems and I think I can share something, maybe someone else need it.
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My personal project is called Dictpedia is currently using Codeigniter 3, welcome. |
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