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Is Session a safe place to store data ?

Thank you very much for those answers guys !

Since I´ve learned programming and PHP by myself, I miss some of those tricks...

Now that you pointed me that making a DB query for everything is the safer way to go, WHAT ABOUT PERFORMANCE ?

I mean... If I only store the user_id in session, everytime a user make a request I would have to performance all these queries:

* Get the USER group
* Get his GROUP permissions
* Get the USER ACL permissions
* Get the USER company_ID

Before every request my code would run 4 queries....

Why not save those data in session ? Wouldnt the performance be increased in a high usage program ?


Messages In This Thread
RE: Is Session a safe place to store data ? - by Poetawd - 07-25-2016, 09:56 AM

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