[attachment=658][attachment=658]Hi there,
New to CodeIgniter.
Hoping to use AngularJS on the Views and Code igniter for back end.
I'm wondering whether to touch and manipulate the data in the controller/ get it into the required format before passing it on to the view
OR not do anything in the controller and simply pass the data to the view so it becomes AngularJS's problem.
On one particular case, data is fetched from the database in one query and returned in a single array like so...
Season Grade RoundDate Time GameID Team1 Team2 Team1Score Team2Score
Winter 2016 MENS 1 5 Aug 10:00 1 TEAM A TEAM B 110 140
Winter 2016 MENS 1 5 Aug 11:00 2 TEAM C TEAM D 130 110
Winter 2016 MENS 1 1 Aug 10:00 3 TEAM B TEAM C 95 120
Winter 2016 MENS 1 1 Aug 11:00 4 TEAM A TEAM D 95 120
Winter 2016 MENS 1 24 Jul 10:00 5 TEAM A TEAM D 75 107
Winter 2016 MENS 1 23 Jul 10:00 6 TEAM B TEAM C 110 140
Controller simply passes this data to the view in a single array $data
In the view I would like my data to display like below. As you can see the data is grouped by a several columns so I'm a little lost as to whether it is Angular's job to do this grouping and display on the page or whether I should touch the data in the controller and somehow return the data to the view in several arrays representing each of those grouped sections... or whether I should make multiple calls to the database to fetch each of the required data sections on the fly. Or a completely different approach that I have overlooked. Little help?
WINTER 2016 - MENS 1
5 AUG 2016
10:00 TEAM A 100 - 120 TEAM B
11:00 TEAM C 150 - 90 TEAM D
1 AUG 2016
10:00 TEAM B 111 - 87 TEAM D
11:00 TEAM A 89 - 90 TEAM C
25 JUL 2016
10:00 TEAM A 111 - 87 TEAM D
23 JUL 2016
10:00 TEAM B 111 - 87 TEAM C
I have attached how my data is currently rendered by AngularJS. As you can see it is currently displayed as a flat table. No groupings present