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Some help..

Hello all, i`m new on coding sites with a framework.. I have a question: how could i acces in browser some functions from default controller (main) without access: http://www.site.com/main/myfunction.html .. I want to access http://www.site.com/myfunction.html but this one to came from main controller.


in the file system/application/config/routes.php, you have to change

$route['default_controller'] = "welcome";


$route['default_controller'] = "main";

if you want '.html' added to your urls, edit system/application/config/config.php. Look for the line

$config['url_suffix'] = "";

I have that one and nothing happened that i want. :|


class Blog extends Controller {
    function __construct()
    function index()
        $data['title'] = 'My blog title';
        $data['heading'] = 'My blog heading';
        $this->load->view('blog_view', $data);
    function lists($id)
        echo 'aaaaa';

When i access http://localhost/site/ it load blog_view because blog controller is default, so is ok. If i access http://localhost/site/blog/lists.html it is ok, print me aaaa. Now, i want to access only http://localhost/site/lists.html without blog parameter (as a controler) because it is supposed to be default one...

So, how to? Thanks

I see ... you might try something like this. I'm not sure if the regualar expression used is what you want, but as an example this can serve:

$route['/([a-z]+)/(\d+)'] = "blog/$1/$2";

it goes in application/config/routes.php, at the bottom of the file. There's a section in the user guide about this: http://ellislab.com/codeigniter/user-gui...uting.html.

not workin, i trying alot of stuff and no result. Could you made a test and give me a good example? Thanks

can you post the entries in your routes.php config file?

$route['default_controller'] = "main";
$route['scaffolding_trigger'] = "";

$route['/([a-z]+)/(\d+)'] = "main/$1/$2";

At mine default controller is main.. i changet from blog into main. And in controller same.. Blog to Main

I don't get why you want to exclude the controller name. By doing so and using routes with the regex above, you will only be able to access 1 controller for the entire site??

I want to create some static pages and i don`t want to access: http://localhost/static/page-name.html .. i want
http://localhost/page-name.html and for that i see that i must create a controller .... then a index function.. and i don`t want that. It is another way.. ?

You would be better off with this
$route['lists/(\d+)'] = "main/lists/$1";

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