How can I debug an undefined index problem? I've done everything I can think of to debug this.
The good code and the bad code look the same to me. The data looks the same. Here is all the code. Maybe someone sees something I don't. I've spent hours on this. See the bottom box of Code.
In the meantime I've done a sloppy fix. It works but I don't know why I couldn't do it the other way. Here's the fix:
if (isset($ddjuris)) {
try {
foreach ($ddjuris as $x) :
// show be 15 rows or more
for ($i = 0; $i < count($x); $i++) {
$idx = $x[$i]['shortjuris'];
if (trim($x[$i]['ddcase']) != '')
$options[$idx] = $x[$i]['ddcase']; // add key value pair to array ($idx is the key)
log_message("info", "case view ddjuris items count: $count1");
catch (Exception $e) {
log_message("info", "case view error: ".$e->getMessage());
log_message("info","case view could not find variable \$ddjuris or it was empty");
Good Code vs. Bad Code
bad code:
function ddjuris() {
$ddjuris = funcGetJurisDD();
$results['ddjuris'] = $ddjuris; // shortjuris, ddcase
return $results;
$count1 = 0;
if (isset($ddjuris)) {
try {
foreach ($ddjuris as $x) :
// show be 15 rows or more
$x = (array)$x;
$idx = $x['shortjuris']; // Message: Undefined index: shortjuris
if (trim($x['ddcase']) != '') // Message: Undefined index: ddcase
$options[$idx] = $x['ddcase']; // add key value pair to array ($idx is the key)
log_message("info", "case view ddjuris items count: $count1");
catch (Exception $e) {
log_message("info", "case view error: ".$e->getMessage());
good code:
$formsdd = funcGetFormsDD();
$data['formsdd'] = $formsdd;
return $data;
$options = array(); // create a php array
$idx = -1;
$options[$idx] = "Select";
if (isset($formsdd)) {
foreach($formsdd as $x) :
$x = (array)$x;
$idx = $x['form_value'];
$options[$idx] = $x['form_text'];
//echo $options[$idx];
function funcGetFormsDD() {
$retval = false;
$val = 0;
$mysqli = ConnectToDB();
$ddforms = array();
$sql = "call getformsdd"; // form_value, form_text
log_message("info"," functions/funcGetJuris SQL = $sql ");
try {
if ($q = $mysqli->query($sql)) {
$countRows = $q->num_rows;
/* Fetch a result row as an associative array */
while ($row = $q->fetch_assoc()) {
$ddforms[] = $row;
if ($mysqli->more_results())
/* free result set */
catch (Exception $ex)
echo $ex->getMessage();
return true;
log_message("info"," functions/funcGetFormsDD returned: ".print_r($ddforms, TRUE));
return $ddforms;
function funcGetJurisDD() {
$retval = false;
$val = 0;
$mysqli = ConnectToDB();
$ddjuris = array();
$sql = "call getjurisdd"; // shortjuris, ddcase
log_message("info"," functions/funcGetJurisDD SQL = $sql ");
$countRows = -1;
try {
if ($q = $mysqli->query($sql)) {
$countRows = $q->num_rows;
/* Fetch a result row as an associative array */
while ($row = $q->fetch_assoc()) {
$ddjuris[] = $row;
if ($mysqli->more_results())
/* free result set */
catch (Exception $ex)
echo $ex->getMessage();
return true;
log_message("info"," functions/funcGetJurisDD returned: ".print_r($ddjuris, TRUE));
return $ddjuris;
INFO - 2017-05-13 13:48:35 --> functions/funcGetJurisDD returned: Array
[0] => Array
[shortjuris] => dgd
[ddcase] => DaggettD
[1] => Array
[shortjuris] => dgj
[ddcase] => DaggettJ
INFO - 2017-05-13 14:07:54 --> functions/funcGetFormsDD returned: Array
[0] => Array
[form_value] => information
[form_text] => Information
[1] => Array
[form_value] => motion_continue
[form_text] => Motion: Continue