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Controllers not loading, no logging either

Sorry it took me a while to get back here. I've been completely slammed against a deadline (which I just wrapped up, yay!).

Trying to follow your steps:

- I pulled down the latest code
- Copied Controllers/Home.php to Controllers/Pages.php
- Renamed the the class to Pages in the new file
- Made the index method output something different so I knew I was there.
- fired up the local server (php serve.php) and visited localhost:8080/pages in my browser and what I expected showed up. I noticed if I try /pages on your site it works as expected currently, too.

Since that worked, I tried adding the same route that you had ($routes->add('/pages', 'Pages::index')Wink and things still work for me.

Finally, realizing I hadn't set my path, I went and edited Configi/App.php and set base_url to 'http://localhost:8080'. That finally gave me the standard Whoops! error. So, I create a simple .env file with a single line (CI_ENVIRONMENT=development) so that I could see the actual error, and it's throwing an error with CodeIgniter\HTTP\URI::resolveRelativeURI() .

But that's the only error I could get it to create (and I need to go figure out why now....) Your site seems to be working. What did you figure out for you?

Messages In This Thread
RE: Controllers not loading, no logging either - by kilishan - 06-02-2017, 01:58 PM

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