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"Unable to locate the specified class: Session.php"...

Hi Guys,

After some years developing with CI i'm here to write about an issue i experiencing with v3.1.4

Starting with my code:

PHP Code:
class FF_Controller extends CI_Controller
function LoadView($view$data null)
       $head_data = array();
           $head_data["title"] = $data["title"];


PHP Code:
abstract class FF_Model extends CI_Model
  public function getDbInstance($show_errors true) {

       //Nasconde la pagina d'errore di MySQL che mi fa fallire Ajax
       $this->db->db_debug $show_errors;

       return $this->db;

   public abstract function mapFromDb($result);
   public abstract function mapToDb($result);

PHP Code:
class Login extends FF_Controller
   public function index()

   public function dologin()
       $user $this->input->post('username');
       $pwd $this->input->post('password');

       $usr $this->user_model->get($user$pwd);

       $this->session->set_userdata(array('user' => $usr));

PHP Code:
['packages'] = array();
$autoload['libraries'] = array('session');
$autoload['drivers'] = array();
$autoload['helper'] = array('url');
$autoload['config'] = array();
$autoload['language'] = array();
$autoload['model'] = array(); 

PHP Code:
class User_model extends FF_Model
   public function get($mail$pwd)
       $db $this->getDbInstance();
//Login data retriving with pwd encoding: all written inline with querybuilder

       $res $this->mapFromDb($db->get()->result());
       if(count($res) == 1) return $res[0];
       else return false;

Removing the autoload "session" entry all working.

Looking in System/libraries seems that session.php does not exists. Nevertheless, that file seems to be in the Session subdirectory (system/libraries/session/). But load_class(...) is not looking inside that folder:

PHP Code:
// Look for the class first in the local application/libraries folder
        // then in the native system/libraries folder
foreach (array(APPPATHBASEPATH) as $path)
            if (
$name 'CI_'.$class;

                if (
class_exists($nameFALSE) === FALSE)


How can i set to work properly my session library?
PS: loading it manually from the controller method does not change the result. I still get the error. Logs are pretty clean. Only debug infos not related to sessions.

(This post was last modified: 06-13-2017, 11:59 PM by Martin7483.)

A file in the Core could be incomplete and or corrupted. Download a fresh CodeIgniter package and overwrite the system directory with the freshly downloaded one.


Are you using
PHP Code:

for session loading or are you loading via

PHP Code:

(06-13-2017, 11:50 PM)Martin7483 Wrote: A file in the Core could be incomplete and or corrupted. Download a fresh CodeIgniter package and overwrite the system directory with the freshly downloaded one.


Are you using
PHP Code:

for session loading or are you loading via

PHP Code:

Done yesterday, while i'm getting crazy with this problem. My "system" forlder is a fresh downloaded version (CI 3.1.4).
No such way to get the correct loading of the sessions....

About my loading:
Absolutely i'm not calling load_class.
Also, the loading of Session is not by the loader class in the controller. I use CI autoload (autoload.php)
PHP Code:
$autoload['libraries'] = array('session'); 

If i remove this, and i load session by "$this->load->library("session")" no change. Still getting the issue.

Setup a clean install of CodeIgniter and autoload the session library.

I have multiple CI 3.x versions and none of them have this issue.

It is not clear to me exactly what problem you are having.

The loader class will find Session.php even though it is in a subfolder.

You can use
PHP Code:
any place you want to check that the session library is loaded. If not loaded you will get a PHP error.

If sessions are not functioning properly it might be a config settings problem. What setting do you have for sessions and cookies?

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