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Table heading with multiple rows

I need to create this using table library. set_heading only adds one row heading I need two.


This is a snippet that I found on the web.

PHP Code:
 <colgroup span="2"></colgroup>
 <colgroup span="2"></colgroup>
   <td rowspan="2"></td>
   <th colspan="2" scope="colgroup">Mars</th>
   <th colspan="2" scope="colgroup">Venus</th>
   <th scope="col">Produced</th>
   <th scope="col">Sold</th>
   <th scope="col">Produced</th>
   <th scope="col">Sold</th>
   <th scope="row">Teddy Bears</th>
   <th scope="row">Board Games</th>

The CodeIgniter html table has a table template so you would need to create your own table.
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Joined CodeIgniter Community 2009.  ( Skype: insitfx )

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