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Migration Class Names

(This post was last modified: 08-03-2017, 04:57 AM by versalle88.)

I'm having an issue with CI 3 migrations and I'm wondering if anyone else has run into this and how they fixed it.

If I have the following migration file:


Then I have the following migration class:

PHP Code:

If I need to alter the blog table again, however:


It has the same class name:

PHP Code:

And because of the way CI load and initializes migrations, it'll throw a PHP error for redeclaring a class. Is there a way around this that anyone has found? If not, what's the best practice for handling these naming conflicts?

I've been able to get around it by adding the timestamp to the class name:

PHP Code:

But that requires a filename of:


Which just feels messy.

Any help or input is appreciated.

According to the documentation you either use an incremental index or timestamp.

From what you have shown is that your trying to use the same file without incrementing
the value in the file name.
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I just give more details. So, names like alter_blog_add_category, or alter_blog_remove_tags.

(08-04-2017, 03:47 AM)InsiteFX Wrote: According to the documentation you either use an incremental index or timestamp.

From what you have shown is that your trying to use the same file without incrementing
the value in the file name.

No, I'm going from 2012... to 2013... in the example above, so I'm incrementing the timestamp as the documentation says, but the timestamp is just for the file name, not the class name.

(08-04-2017, 07:39 AM)kilishan Wrote: I just give more details. So, names like alter_blog_add_category, or alter_blog_remove_tags.

That's a good call. Simple.

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