CodeIgniter bests should stay as they are vs Laravel |
First I learnt CodeIgniter, built project on it.
Then took Laravel for studying, built another project on Laravel this time. I just wanna share my thoughts about CodeIgniter vs Laravel, especially CodeIgniter's bests which should stay where they are of course! In my opinion CodeIgniter is especially good for smaller projects, especially because setting up everything to start work is so quick and easy, and many things can be done so fast Laravel is better here in wider perspective, bigger app. Workflow in laravel is many times faster - but in my opinion only if it is something bigger. For smaller projects CodeIgniter is blazing fast to develop with. Laravel is faster in development - That's right. But CodeIgniters Is Fast Too! ![]() And next thing, Speed, literally speed. Laravel is soooooo sloooowwww comparing to CodeIgniter. Ugh god, really, SO SLOW! ![]() I think that's the best benefit of CodeIgniter here. And it should never change, along with my mentioned ease of use. The "Configuration by convention" works so damn good, I like it very much here. All of these things about setting CodeIgniter and editing configs. Easy to download, easy to set up, easy to work out with, AND Easy to understand! This documentation is really good. Larave's isn't even half that good. Good job ![]() I think, to me CodeIgniter is like Freedom. Like you were a soldier working with PHP and CodeIgniter is your Support-Tank. I like saying that "CodeIgniter is least as a framework and doesn't look like a regular framework at all" It is really Freedom. Freedom with support consisting of Drivers, Librariers, Helpers, Metodology, Structure and so on... + talking about Freedom, I love this about including only what you need. Need a model only in here? Okay, load this. Load this driver here, load this helper here. Okay, wanna everywhere? Let's load this here in constructor. All this great support, like you wanna build something great and you use CodeIgniter's lego bricks to help you with all this work. Plus it is so small, 2 MB, not much files. Even transfering it to pendrive comparing to Laravel's project is funny, faster faster and faster! And another thing. Upgrade from one version to another? Oh god. Couldn't it be easier! In laravel's it can take hours and be really problematic. And CI is like plug and play, you just download it, extract, change only 1-2 things and your Done. That's all. For me it is plug and play. that much easy. Query Builder. Yeah. For me, this one in Laravel comparing to CodeIgniter's one Sucks!. For real. :| For me, CodeIgniters domain and bests:
But okay, that's it generally in my mind. I pointed out many things, but these thins should never get changed. Never. And this things I mean by:
But you know. I love Laravel. And I love CodeIgniter too. They are great! But you know. Laravel is like god beast full-stack monster framework. Fat, slow, big and hungry. Eating everything, taking all features, going to be Full-Stack big boss, aggresive one. ![]() ![]() And CodeIgniter here is small, faaaassttttttttttttttttttttt like lightning, kind and shinny, Your little kind support mate that help you with all his might and gives you speed, simplicity and freedom! ![]() etc etc I love them both. You know CodeIgniter, You know Laravel, if youre smart you know, you see the difference. You pick this one for this project and that one for that project. See benefits of this and that. I love them both, as with everything - always bad sides and good sides. It's just best and wise to know each of these and fully understand, pick right one for right job. They are just tools ![]() CI like shy little kind brother and Laravel like Fat mad big bro ![]() Goind to the end, I just wanna point again the core in my message here ![]()
![]() Know them Both, Understand them Both, Love them Both, They deserve it, Both.
(09-02-2017, 11:55 AM)krystian2160 Wrote: First I learnt CodeIgniter, built project on it. Excelente punto de vista.
I fully agree, I had to work on Laravel the last 2 weeks and its really a weird thing, Very strange name convention as well.
Makes no sense and takes a long time to find things. Why would you ever call a template "blade"??? The the hell have these guys been smoking?? And classes are extende from Eloquent. WTH?? Have they ever looked up what that even means? Anyway end of rant. I did mange to fix all the things that did not work in the application. But this is not such a big thing and it has almost 50MB and over 7000 files? Surely a massive overkill somewhere. So glad to be working in CI again now.
On the package it said needs Windows 7 or better. So I installed Linux.
Personally I think Eloquent is great name.
And blame, hm, you know, but It is okay. Besides you doesn't have to name templates with "blade". It just extend your funcitonality. But Eloquent is 100% Fine. And again, you doesn't have to extend Eloquent. You Doesn't Have to Laravel is really great and for me - I like these naming and logic, all this set up. I think you don't know Laravel, u didn't dig in that deep as me, you didn't see and didn't realize the true Beauty of Laravel. It's like with Nature. For you these are just strange trees and ground. For me it is beauty. There is needing to understand this to see it better, understand, work with, know, dig in deep. Depends. Always minuses and pluses. But at the end I love both CodeIgniter and Laravel. ![]() They are great both
I hate all this stuff. It is like saying sharks are better than whales. Really? On what basis.
"Whales are really really big" "Sharks have sharper teeth" "Whales are a lovely blue" "Sharks have sexy fins" What difference does it possibly make. If you find yourself working on a whale farm, learn about whales. If you are working in a shark shop, learn about sharks. If you love the ocean, learn about sharks and whales. When you get a chance to choose a pet, choose whatever you prefer. Perhaps I should have used an analogy with apples and oranges. Or Fords and Toyotas, or Lewis Hamilton or Sebastian Vettel. Really, who cares who or what you prefer. CI is not in competition with Laravel. They are both frameworks, but have very different approaches. Neither is evil, neither is right, neither it correct. Personally, I love CI. Who you love is up to you. Paul.
There is no need to be a bit weird.
Just don't be closed to this or that, to new things and so on. And for me it isn't like whale or shark. Toyota or Ford. It is something else. You can love both, nothing weird here. There is passion in this, not weirdness.
Wow nice effort on sharing this
There are those who tell lies with meaning behind them and those meaning less lies!
Well said PaulID.
Fully agree. And yes my dislike to laravel is that I only had to fix a few things that did not work. I never done a project in it. As for eloquent. this is what i found: "having or exercising the power of fluent, forceful, and appropriate speech:" So what has this to do with a class? With programming and fucntionallity???? But I thik we have already said enough about all this. We all just love developing, regardless of framework. Lets just enjoy it.
On the package it said needs Windows 7 or better. So I installed Linux.
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