Hello everyone! I have problem running MS SQL queries in CodeIgniter.
If we have query like this:
PHP Code:
$return = '';
$query = "
DECLARE @number int
DECLARE @name varchar(10)
SET @number = 1000
SET @name = 'nothing'
SELECT @number AS one_thousand, @name AS nothing
$result = $this->mssql_connect->query($query);
$sql = $result->result_array();
foreach ($sql as $row)
$return .= $row['one_thousand'];
$return .= ' ';
$return .= $row['nothing'];
$return .= '<br/>';
return $return;
Following error occurs:
Quote: odbc_fetch_array(): No tuples available at this result index
Do I have special methods for ODBC type queries? My current fix for this problem is to split query string and insert PHP variable, which is ugly and requires a lot of work in form of redefinition of existing queries.