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Help revive codeigniter 2.x project


Sure did. I have made cheaper web application with more functionality. So sorry about my fellow countrymen, I guess you are Swedish too. At least it says swedish in the sourcecode.

Sorry about that, I had it all wrong too. _remap are a hidden function that can't be trigged in the URL: localhost/administrator/_remap/login/ so some other function or class need to call it. But the problem is that that function want's to trigger login by passing it an argument _remap('login'). If you search in all your project files after _remap you sure will find it.
Don't manually scan thought, use an editor for that. (Notepad++ for Windows)

Post the login function inside your administrator_model.

See above.

It depends on what encryption are being used. Can't tell you that one yet. Need the model.

Dunno, can't tell you without the code.

Messages In This Thread
Help revive codeigniter 2.x project - by Ricke - 02-25-2018, 06:45 AM
RE: Help revive codeigniter 2.x project - by jreklund - 02-26-2018, 03:03 PM

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