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error while running install.sql in community auth

That worked. Thanks! I have a more general question about coummunity Auth. Is the path for a new user of community auth to create a stand alone application with it during installation? The reason I am asking is that on steps 12 of the install intructs, it asks the user to use Key_creator controller to create a key which then should be setup in config.php. Step 13 describes creating a test user, programmatically, but what comes first?

I have been following the instructs (I am up to step 13) and installing directly to my application. But I am starting to think that this is wrong and I should have created a standalone Community Auth application first. I also see the create_user method in the examples directory and that makes me think that I should be creating a standalone, first, just to prove that it works? I realize that the demo was removed and this is probably the reason that I don't understand the install steps.
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Messages In This Thread
RE: error while running install.sql in community auth - by richb201 - 05-30-2018, 04:27 AM

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