DNS Address Could Not be Found Error |
Recently I updated windows to windows 10 everything is fine with it except one error which occurs every time when I surf the Internet actually when I use the internet it works for only 3 4 minutes and sometimes lasts for 10 minutes and after this, It suddenly shows an error DNS Address Could Not be Found. No error occurs before Updating windows Please help me to fix this error as soon as possible share the correct way to solve this thanks in advance.
There could be many reasons as follow:
If you have recently registered the domain. If you have recently pointed your domain to your hosting server. In this case, it takes 24-48 hours. Your domain service is disabled by your registrar. Your domain is pointing to wrong server IP. There are only a few steps can solve this problem, Following these steps - **REDACTED**
If your issue is as same as below question then follow these steps **REDACTED**
After installing Windows 10, I am continuously getting the "server DNS address could not be found" error... I will be able to use the Internet for 4-5 minutes after that for 20-25 min. I will get the above error
Windows 10 also sets up it's IIS server which can cause localhost issues.
1) Control Panel. 2) Click on Programs then click on Programs and Features. 3) Click on Turn Windows features on or off. 4) Look for the Internet Information Services, uncheck all. 5) Look under the above, Internet Information Services Hostable Web Core uncheck it. What did you Try? What did you Get? What did you Expect?
Joined CodeIgniter Community 2009. ( Skype: insitfx )
I was also facing this issue. Thanks for the update.
try contacting window's customer care and follow the steps provided by them.
if you don't want that, try switching back to windows 8,as windows 10 still consist many bugs. hope i m helpful.
As I read You dont configure your DNS address in your network. Actually A system uses its default DNS address. But As we have a issue there so we can configure your DNS servers manually. To do this 1. You have to click on taskbar wifi signal and right click there then you choose open network and security center. 2. Then choose change Adaptor settings. 3. select properties of an connection then choose ipv4. And put one of the DNS server address which is given below. Google Public DNS Preferred DNS server : Alternate DNS server : OpenDNS Preferred DNS server : Alternate DNS server :
https://www.drivereasy.com/knowledge/sol...-be-found/ please go through the above link. this is a step wise guide to solve your issue. i hope this would be helpful to you. best regards!! ![]()
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