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Nginx or Apache

(08-01-2018, 01:00 AM)jreklund Wrote: I replaced Apache with Nginx and PHP-FPM due to the fact we ran into some memory overflow problems and httpd services crashed and the whole server needed a physical restart. I ran both Apache and PHP in the same resource and not separate as right know. So can't be 100% sure if were just mod_php or apache itself.

Haven't had a single crash now, so I'm going Nginx all the way now. And we can also handle a higher load (PHP-FPM will handle more than mod_php too).

Thanks for your advice!

Messages In This Thread
Nginx or Apache - by randvader - 07-31-2018, 08:29 PM
RE: Nginx or Apache - by jreklund - 08-01-2018, 01:00 AM
RE: Nginx or Apache - by randvader - 08-01-2018, 04:39 AM

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