Redirect on a Controller contruct |
Hi and sorry for my bad english, I have parent construct that check if the user is logged to let them see the page or redirect them to the login but since I updated to the alpha 3 it not works:
The route I try to go without login: PHP Code: $routes->add('{locale}/app/', 'Dashboard::index', ['namespace' => 'App\Controllers\Appmudet']); The Dashboard Controller that extends from the Appcontroller: PHP Code: <?php namespace App\Controllers\Appmudet; The Appcontroller : PHP Code: <?php namespace App\Controllers\Appmudet; It shows me the var_dump and then the redirect dosen't seems to work because shows me the app view not the login. Both controlles are on the same folder: 'Controllers/Appmudet' PHP Code: public function __construct() { I don't think your "return" in a constructor will be effective. Th only way I found, is to test "loggedIn" in each function.
Redirecting from constructors is no longer possible in CI4. Use Controller filters instead.
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