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Ion-auth 4 routes not working

I used the manual installation method of CI4, and did the same for the updated version of Ion-Auth designed to work with CI4. After copying over the files into my CI4 installation I discovered that it is not routing correctly. When navigating to /auth/login, I get the error message "Controller or its method is not found: App\Controllers\Auth::login". 

I suspect I've not done something correctly related to namespacing, since if I change:

namespace IonAuth\Controllers;
class Auth extends \CodeIgniter\Controller


namespace App\Controllers;
use CodeIgniter\Controller;
class Auth extends Controller

It works routes correctly, but I then get the error: "Class 'IonAuth\Libraries\IonAuth' not found".

What am I doing wrong here?

"...and did the same for the updated version of Ion-Auth designed to work with CI4..."

Where did you get this?
Simpler is always better

I know I work because I have played with it last year and it works.
Did you place the Ion-Auth directory in the root, so beside the public and the application directory?

Follow this guide and I know it works.



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