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I am busy to teach myself Codeigniter and to lean it form the Codeigniter website.

And I keep on getting this error code when trying to test run the news.php page.

 An uncaught Exception was encountered
Type: ParseError
Message: syntax error, unexpected '$this' (T_VARIABLE)
Filename: C:\wamp64\www\aircomp.co.za\application\controllers\News.php
Line Number: 9
File: C:\wamp64\www\aircomp.co.za\index.php
Line: 315

Please could somebody help me.


The error message says there is a syntax error on line 9 of your News controller.
Share the code for that and we can point you in the right direction.

Hi there.

here is the screen hot of my code.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

You have misspelled "database" as "databse" in line 8.

Thanks for coming back to me asap. Now it say's there is a error on line 9 which is empty.

Please see attached screen shots.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

You have a typo on line 18 with result
Codeigniter is simply one of the tools you need to learn to be a successful developer. Always add more tools to your coding arsenal!

So I can delete } online in controllers/News.php. Is this correct ?

(04-29-2019, 07:13 AM)albertleao Wrote: You have a typo on line 18 with result

I am still getting errors as I have followed all the instructions from the Manuel.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

And also a typo on line 13: $sluig

You deleted the vurly brace at the end of the index method, before line 18.
You need to proof-read your code before jumping to the conclusion that CI is broken.

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